All the world’s a stage – now more than ever!

How can you be ready to compete and succeed in this uncertain and volatile world? It requires a rehearsal mindset and the ability to take center stage when necessary.

We are using theatrical metaphors because the world today and the world to come are in the moment, live video experiences. From our daily posts to our LinkedIn profile, we are, in some ways always on stage.

Our bios and resumes are readily available, and our personal history is “Googleable” for all to see. In fact, the picture above is Dave in a production of Hamlet in 1977 at the Folger Shakespeare Library at the Library of Congress!

His love of performing led him to wanting to share the creativity and communication skills that he saw lacking in most leaders and leadership programs.

So, what’s the point? (Pun intended!) Don’t be hemmed in by the old job descriptions, habits, safety nets and look outside of your comfort zone to aspire to things that you’ve always wanted to do. What are some of the things you wished you would have done but you haven’t (yet)?

The big opportunity now is that you get the chance to write your future script.

It’s a time for a new way of transferring knowledge. Bring on people who have the obvious passion for a role regardless of skill. Identify talent development and recruiting to meet the organizational needs.

Create an apprentice mindset by pairing an entry level employee with professionals who have taken a work hiatus and have left the workforce. Bring them back to reboot their careers.

The future conversations will require brainstorming sessions, and team meetings where the innovative paths to the future are uncertain. Make it comfortable to be uncomfortable. Invite cutting edge thinking where the upcoming expert comes from those in the current roles with the company and invite them to share knowledge.

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The core competencies for all work have become more relational as a result of increased communication ability through technology. In the old model, managers would say, “quit talking and get some work done!” In the new model, team leaders say,” go find who you need and talk to them!” Essentially it is a world of constant relationship building.

This relational phenomenon requires more EQ than IQ. Exchanging information, getting “buy-in”, gaining commitment, instituting change, and brainstorming new solutions to old problems, all rests on how emotionally smart we are.

Imagine artificial intelligence for human learning and transactions. Like robots, we need to learn as we go.  However, our learning has the added dimension of shared experience – disappointment, joy, fear, courage and on and on is learning on another level. It requires additional EQ and increasing how “Emotionally Smart” you are.

What sets humans apart however and is something that robots cannot learn is the ability to be emotionally smart. This is absolutely necessary for future conversations and is an essential leadership mindset and skill set.

Give us a call to discover how we can help you rehearse for your future. Ask Dave to recite a bit of Hamlet while you are on the Zoom call!  Schedule a Complimentary Call with us today!