Success Requires a WorkLife Method: Part 1: Assess

Method is a way of doing things. “Tried and true” methods have been tested and improved, and when used can be expected to produce reliable, similar results.

Of course, if one is looking to produce different results, then it stands to reason that you would have to alter your method of doing things.

This idea pays homage to Einstein’s famous quote

“Insanity is doing the same things over and over but expecting different results”.

When you stop and think about your day, you probably have several “tried and true methods” that you rely on in both your work and your life.

Here at WorkLife, we are often asked about our methods and approaches.

We have served a broad range of individuals, teams, and organizations and have had the opportunity to develop, practice and improve a “tried and true” method for the coaching and development of individuals – leadership, careers, team effectiveness and personal satisfaction.

The WorkLife Method is fairly simple but somewhat hard to do. We ASSESS, EXPLORE, CHOOSE and COMMIT.     

This method, when seriously and completely utilized produces many “AHAs” and insights for the development and integration of one’s life, career, and overall well-being.

Let’s examine them one at a time starting with ASSESS.  Most people have heard, “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

We would suggest a more important version, “if you don’t know where you are, you can’t possibly know what road to take to get to where you want to go!”

Assessments get a bad rap because they can be seen as “fluff” and too subjective to be meaningful.

However, done well with a powerful, comprehensive, and integrated tool, they can provide tremendous insights that go far beyond simply looking at strengths and skills into the bedrock of motivation and satisfaction in life and careers, namely, needs, preferences and motivations.

Just because I am “good” at something doesn’t tell me anything about the environment and behavior around me that supports my use of those strengths.

In addition, assessments such as from a 360⁰ feedback tool offer us important information on how we are perceived by others and the environment.

As a first step in the ASSESS process of the METHOD, we initiate coaching by utilizing the Birkman Method (there’s that word METHOD again)!

Why, because it provides individuals with insights beyond their strengths by addressing their needs, preferences, and motivations.

This is invaluable to our overall effectiveness and success. Stay tuned for our next installment (our personal favorite) – EXPLORE!

Have a look at this short video for additional information: