This is our personal favorite of our WorkLife Method.

This where your innate creativity and personal genius come to the surface. The name should really be “EXPLORE OPTIONS”.

If you think that you have limited options because of age, obsolete skills, financial obligations, family issues, or geography, well, you couldn’t be more wrong!

Options abound all around us. In fact, “we are surrounded by insurmountable opportunities” as the cartoon character POGO said.

New industries are popping up everywhere! Companies are desperate for talent, and hybrid/remote approaches have radically transformed the workplace.

It only takes a bit of creativity, networking, and research to get your ball rolling in new and interesting ways.

The success of the EXPLORE period of the WorkLife Method depends heavily on knowing what you want so that you can target and focus your creative efforts more effectively.

Of course, this then refers back to the importance of doing a comprehensive job of using a broad range of assessments – skill, personality, financial, and health will all help you to better EXPLORE options that are right for you, your team or your business.

In this part of the WorkLife Method, we use creative techniques to help focus you, your team or organization on your future goals.

Storytelling, improvisation, vision boards, and mind mapping can lead you to some unseen but powerful insights. 

Collaborating with others can multiply and enhance the exploration while also serving as great team building and even show us how to reinvent, refresh, and renew our crumbling business structures, obsolete practices, and ineffective processes.

This process allows for your creativity to unfold. Remember that creativity is not limited to the world of art. What can you do to take initiative and use your creativity to EXPLORE an idea and turn it into reality?

Stay tuned! Next is COMMIT which is where the “rubber hits the road”!